Mission Statement

At Parkway Aggregates, our mission extends beyond merely providing sustainable aggregate solutions. As leaders in our field, we cater to diverse customer needs by offering an extensive array of high-quality materials. Our offerings include recycled asphalt, clean rock, and a vast selection of traditional and decorative products such as limestone, Meramec gravels, sands, mulch, topsoil, and compost.

While our dedication to repurposing discarded materials into valuable resources underpins our commitment to sustainability, our devotion to customer satisfaction constantly guides us to expand our product line. This balance allows us to contribute to reducing our industry's environmental footprint while accommodating our customers' various needs.

Our focus is twofold: we strive to contribute to a greener, healthier planet and provide materials that meet the diverse demands of our customers. We firmly believe in sustainable progress—that we can meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own.

We envision a world where progress and preservation co-exist, and we tirelessly work towards making this vision a reality. Every product we offer is a testament to our commitment to building an environmentally sustainable yet aesthetically pleasing world. At Parkway Aggregates, we believe in a world where each decision leaves a lasting positive impact.